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Trump or Biden? Peruvian shaman predicts winner of US Presidential Election

Trump or Biden?  Peruvian shaman predicts winner of US Presidential Election
Ana Mara performs the ritual in an old building in a dim room in the old town of Lima, informing her in support of Biden - Photo REUTERS
IF in Malaysia there is a 'King of Shamans' who often cause controversy with his predictions, another in the United States (US) when not less 'great' with the appearance of a shaman from Peru.
Using incense rituals, flowers and pictures of US Presidential Election candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the shaman known as Ana María Simeón is rumored to be able to predict the future president of Uncle Sam on November 3.
Friendly as "Pachamama" or 'mother earth', Ana María, who wore colorful clothes, was seen chanting and blowing traditional instruments of the Andean country - calling for elections in the country to take place peacefully.
Ana María performed the ritual in an old building in a dim room in the old town of Lima, besides informing that she supported Biden
That's why we 'cleaned' him (Biden)… We can see they will 'attack' Biden with magic using black statues (Voodoo dolls) to get rid of him (Biden)," said the woman who was wearing a necklace around her neck.
The ritual was performed by seeing Ana María wearing a 'ponchos' from the Andean country and wearing a blue robe, while rubbing traditional medicine, fruits, in addition to placing snakes on Biden and Trump pictures.
In another development, a survey conducted by Reuters shows Biden is ahead of Trump among voters in the US.
The Democratic party leader is nine points ahead of 50 percent compared to Trump at 41 percent.
However, as far as the 'prediction' is correct, everything will be answered in the election!


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