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Trump described Biden as the worst candidate in U.S. political history

Trump described Biden as the worst candidate in U.S. political history
According to Trump, he made more changes in his 47 months as president than Biden, who is 47 years old.  - AP image
NEVADA: United States (US) President Donald Trump has described his political opponent Joe Biden as the worst candidate in the country's political history.
This is because, according to him, he made more changes in the 47 months as president than Biden which is 47 years.
Trump also claimed that the candidate from the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris would be appointed president if Biden wins the election this time.
He claimed that Biden was only given the responsibility as a statesman instead Harris would hold the reins of US government.
In the last 2016 election, Trump failed to win Nevada over Hillary Clinton as the province tended towards Democrats for decades.
Trump, however, did not give up by investing in the state to win votes in the next election.
Democrats, meanwhile, are more focused on virtual campaigns in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.
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